Will I have to be a member to use the Photographers Place facilities when they are available?

Yes! While there will occasionally be events like seminars and workshops available to the public, you must be a member to use any of the facilities.

I’m excited to join! When will I be able to?

Plans are in the works for member programming to begin in Spring 2023. The Coivd-19 epidemic upended a large portion of our planning. Check back often for updates. Or, better yet, scroll down and sign up for our newsletter!

What will membership levels look like?

Great question! We have just completed a survey of photographers from around the Triangle and beyond. We’ll be using that feedback to design programs to meet the needs of our member artists. Stay tuned!

Are there additional charges besides memberships?

Great question. In our current planning, yes., there will be, based on what benefits are available at that time. There will be discounts available based on membership levels. Workshop and jury fees are based on associated costs and still subject to discounts based on membership levels. Other member activities such as artist hangouts and monthly member critiques are included with membership.

This sounds great! Do you have anything else in mind?

Yes! We’re always thinking of ways to add value to our members. Some ideas under discussion include: an annual Show Case publication for exhibiting members; discounts from select vendors; residency programs. And we’re always open to ideas from our members. The best ideas come from the people that are the most involved!

More questions?

Just go to our contact page and submit. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!